Monday, June 15, 2015

The Mission

Today I have declared that I will create a blog to track my success in becoming more frugal and reaching periodical goals.

I hope that anyone (if anyone) reading this will find this interesting.

One of my goals is to own my own home by 26 and have absolutely no debt before I purchase/ build the home I speak of. I feel as if I manage my money correctly I will live a much less stressful life.

I have paid off a $6,000 car loan, $3,000 in credit card debt, and a $1,000 personal loan in the past year. The credit card and personal loan were the banks way of telling me to "make my own credit" which backfired extremely when I realized that was a horrible way to perfect my credit score. It was extremely stressful and I plan on never being in that situation again...

Which has led me to the reasoning behind this blog. I plan on using this as journal showing all of my methods of being smarter with my money.

This is one of my favorite quotes now, my best friend Virginia sent it to me and it has really kick started my "mission".

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